Department of Chemical Engineering
1 University Station M/C C0400
Austin, TX 78712-1062
Phone: 512/475-7842
Fax: 512/471-1720
Civil Engineering Dept.- TEES
MS 3136 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3136
Phone: 979/845‑1304
Fax: 979/862‑1542
Professor Biology
P. O. Box 10037
Beaumont, TX 77710
Phone: 409/880-8264
Dr. Bill RixeyDept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
4800 Calhoun Blvd.
Cullen Engineering Bldg. Rm. N117
Houston, TX 77204-4791
Phone: 713/743-4279
Fax: 713/743-4260