Contact Us

Department Chair

M. Diane Clark, Ph. D.
Office: Communication Building 107-A
Voice: 409-880-1848
Video Phone: 409-299-4689
Email: diane.clark@lamar.edu

Administrative Associate, Sr.

Lynn Boswell
Office: Communication Building 107A
Video Phone: 409-681-4816
Email: lboswell@lamar.edu

Mailing Address

Department of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education
P.O. Box 10113
Beaumont, TX 77710

(409) 880-8170

Video Phone
(409) 681-4816

Program Director, Ed.D in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

M. Diane Clark, Ph.D.
Email: mclark22@lamar.edu

Program Director, M.A. in Deaf Studies

Sean Hauschildt, Ed.D.
Email: shauschildt@lamar.edu

Program Director, M.S. in Deaf Studies Deaf Education

Jamie Bencak
Email: jbencak@lamar.edu

Program Director, B.A. in ASL Education

Zanthia Smith, Ed.D.
Email: zysmith@lamar.edu