Private student loans provided by banks, credit unions, and other lenders can help bridge the gap between the student aid you may have already received for college and the total cost of attendance.
The lender information provided on °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ’s website is maintained and updated in real time by the represented lender.
You do not have to borrow from any of these lenders. You have the right to choose any lender.
Reviewing your options, including federal, state, and institutional grants and loans before applying for private loans is recommended. Contact our office to speak with a student aid counselor or view the student aid website to check your eligibility.
Student aid staff and employees of ELM Resources, the software provider of ELMSelect, are prohibited from accepting any financial or other benefits in exchange for displaying lenders and loan options in ELMSelect. Prohibited activities of student aid employees include but not limited to: Serving on a lender's or lender affiliate's advisory board (with or without compensation), accepting gifts including trips, meals, and entertainment.
You are encouraged to explore how student loan debt may affect your financial future through student aid counseling and education provided through the school and federally available web sources.