June 2, 2021

Wednesday, 06/02/2021
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Aida Tucker

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Meeting  

Date: June 2, 2021 Time:  3:30 p.m. 

UUCC Minutes 06-02-2021 

Reaud 202 and Microsoft Teams  

Attending: Garrick Harden – Arts and Sciences, LeAnn Chisholm -Arts and Sciences , Jimmy Bryan - Arts and sciences, Cindy Cummings - Education and Human Development, Melissa Riley- Faculty Senate, Tracy Benson, Engineering, Donna Azodi - Education and Human Development, James Armacost - Arts and Sciences, Stefan Andrei - CID, Qin Qian - Engineering, Penny Clark - Library, Ricardo Tovar-Silos - Business, Howard Yoder - Arts and Sciences, Connie Ruiz - Education and Human Development, Alberto Marquez – Engineering 

Absent: Jamie Azios - Fine Arts and Communication, O' Brien Stanley - Fine Arts and Communication, Sara Pace Hillin - Arts and Sciences, Ashwini Kucknoor - Arts and sciences, Trevion Wilson - SGA, Serdar Ilban - Fine Arts and Communication 

Ex-Officio: Dann Brown – Associate Provost, 

Ex-Officio Absent: James Nelson – Arts and Sciences CC Chair, Kurt Dyrhaug – Fine Arts and Communication CC Chair, Belinda Lopez – Education and Human Development CC Chair Toni Mulvaney – Business CC Chair, Liv Haselbach – Engineering CC Chair, Theresa Hefner-Babb – SACSCOC Liaison, David Short – Registrar, Kayla Holloway – Interim Director, UAC 

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Tucker 

Presiding: Garrick Harden 

Call to Order:  3:33pm 

Garrick Harden opened the meeting. 

Items on the agenda: 

  • GEOL 4317 Rules for seminar courses, is 45 contact hours correct?
  • Tracy Benson motioned to approve the course, and Penny Clark seconded the motion. The course was approved. 
  • BBA, Accounting Degree Change Changes made because intermediate accounting should be 1 course and degree plan needed managerial course
  • Cindy Cummings motioned to approve this degree change, and Donna Azadi seconded the motion. The degree change was approved. 
  • BBA, Minimum Grade for Accounting currently Acct 2301 is passed with "C" grade. In proposal, students can pass with "D "grade. students graduate with overall 2.5 GPA. 
  • Tracy Benson motioned to approve this degree change, and Cindy Cummings seconded the motion. The degree change was approved. 
  • HLTH 2376 Justification doesn't seem like a deletion. Change before sending forward.
  • Ricardo Tovar-Silos motioned to approve pending changes of justification. Donna Azodi seconded the motion. The course was approved pending changes. 
  • KINT 2376 course description is the same as HLTH 2376. Course Addition form was submitted to align prefixes.  
  • Cindy Cummings motioned to approve the course. Connie Ruiz seconded the motion. The course was approved. 
  • PETE Minor Name change and added courses to Minor.  
  • Cindy Cummings motioned to approve minor changes. Tracy Benson seconded the motion. The minor was approved.  
  • Health Minor Health BS has been approved and now making changes to PHHA minor. 
  • Donna Azodi motioned to approve Minor. Connie Ruiz seconded the motion. The Minor was approved. 
  • BS Sport and Recreational Management Exercise and management degree doesn't handle Management aspects. This new degree will handle that. 
  • Tracy Benson motioned to approve this degree. Cindy Cummings seconded this motion. This degree has been approved. 
  • All KINT Course Additions: KINT 1305, 2372, 3352, 3353, 3354, 3355, 3363, 4332, 4333, 4334, 4335, and 4620 These courses are part of the BS Sport and Recreational Management degree. Rec center, Budget, Social Management, HR; all courses regarding running a business of Rec centers. No objections to voting on all courses as a slate.
  • Donna Azadi motioned to approve all courses as a slate. Cindy Cummings seconded this motion. These courses have been approved. 
  • BBA, Marketing Degree Plan Change Offered online in Fall 2021. Trying to make it easier for students to take these courses. Transfer students who didn't take courses outside of upper-level division had to go backward and prolong their program.  
  • Tracy Benson motioned to approve degree changes. LeAnn Chisolm seconded the motion. This degree change is approved.  
  • BBA, Finance Degree Plan Changing ECON courses before prefix and course numbers change. 
  • Cindy Cummings motioned to approve degree change. Donna Azadi seconded motion. This degree change is approved. 
  • ECON 3320, FINC 3330, MKTG 4310, MKTG 4330, MKTG 4340, MKTG 4360, and MKTG 4380  

For MKTG 4370 Need to find the pre-requisites. 

  • LeAnn Chisholm motioned to approve courses pending addition of MKTG 4370 pre-requisites. Tracy Benson seconded the motion. The courses are approved pending change of MKTG 4370. 

Closing Remarks: History courses will be reviewed later in the year. 21 courses in total which haven't been approved by the College Curriculum Council. Dann Brown thanks all UUCC members for their work this year. Will be electing for the Secretary position at next UUCC meeting. 

Next meeting will be in August or September. 

Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at 4:32 pm by Penny Clark; Melissa Riley seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted: Aida Tucker, Associate Provost's office