February 3, 2020

Monday, 02/03/2020
Reaud Honors College Conference Room 111
Submitted By:
Kim Vizena

Dr. Kevin Dodson, Ms. Meghan Rapp (Reaud Honors College); Ms. Clare Burns, Dr. Kathy Fraccastoro, Ms. Kayce Stutzman (College of Business); Dr. Cristian Bahrim, Dr. Ana Christensen, Dr. Raymond Doe, Dr. Gina Hale (College of Arts & Sciences); Dr. Andrea Karlin (College of Education & Human Development); Ms. Xenia Fedorchenko (College of Fine Arts & Communication)

Dr. Tilisa Thibodeaux (Reaud Honors College / College of Education & Human Development); Dr. Xianchang Li (College of Engineering); Dr. Larry Allen (College of Business); Dr. Nicki Michalski (College of Fine Arts & Communication); Mr. Michael Saar (Mary & John Gray Library); Dr. Rebecca Boone (College of Arts & Sciences)


Agenda Items

  1. Introduction of Meghan Rapp, Honors Coordinator, and announcement of promotion for Ms. Kim Vizena to Business Manager. (Dr. Dodson)
  2. Campaign 2020: Volunteers needed to evaluate written applications; may also hold interviews. (Dr. Dodson)
  3. Faculty/Student Programming Ideas:
    1. Extend “Pizza with a Professor” to two hours (11:30 am - 1:30 pm) to increase student flow, as had better turnout in Fall semester with extended time frame for Dr. Danny Chand’s event. (Dr. Dodson)
    2. Council expressed interest in “Honors Council Meets the Students” event, perhaps “Cookies with the Council” or “Coffee with the Council;” Timing could be early morning or late afternoon. (Dr. Dodson)
  • Ping Pong tournament between Honors faculty and students, held on a Friday; Three council members expressed interest in participating: Dr. Hale, Dr. Bahrim and Dr. Doe. (Dr. Dodson)
  1. Student Workshops:

The Writing Center (Dr. Dodson)

  • Communicating with Professors Workshop (scheduled for Feb. 19, at 4 pm)
  • Writing Personal Statements for Professional School Admission Workshop (TBD; before late spring-May- Medical and Dental School applications)
  • Approved by HSA Exec. Committee

 Career & Professional Development Center (Ms. Rapp)

  • Pizza Break meet and greet (Feb. 24, 11:00 am-12:30 pm)
  • Upcoming Career Fairs at HSA meeting (Feb. 28)
  • Possible workshops still under discussion:
    • Handshake platform
    • Mock interviewing
    • Game icebreakers

Council Ideas

  • Dress for Success Workshop (Dr. Fraccastoro; Ms. Burns)
    • Honors students are already gathering a group for the Feb. 12 workshop, announced in The Update e-newsletter (Ms. Rapp)
  • Speed Interviewing Workshop: Three students and one faculty at each table (nine tables, representing topics, such as “career goals,” “professionalism,” “elevator pitch”); in-between tables for peer review of resume and cover letter (Dr. Hale)
  • Oral Presentation/Poster Workshop 
  • Persuasion, Leadership & Negotiation Workshop: Found beneficial as a grad student, could connect us with people who organized workshop (Ms. Stutzman)

Will send out student poll to find out best times to hold workshops (Dr. Dodson)

  1. Digital Literacy Update (Dr. Dodson, on behalf of Dr. Thibodeaux)
  1. Hiring students as ePortfolio peer consultants (RHC will pay slight compensation)
    • Dodson may reach out to alumni to help review ePortfolios
  2. Developing ePortfolios as a capstone project
    • Soft launch this Spring (late March) during Honors Day (will aim at Juniors)
    • Honors Day will highlight: Partners in the Parks; Study Abroad; Undergraduate Research. This will fulfill the “presentation requirement” for funding. The second component, “written report,” will be sent to Cadenza alumni magazine for publishing consideration.
    • GOAL: Students will present poster on ePortfolios during final semester of 2020-21
  • “Honors Experiences” replaced “Honors Points”
  1. All incoming freshmen took the five-week online seminar, “Honor’s Leadership Digital Literacy,” launched in Fall 2019
  2. Handed out “Honor’s Digital Literacy Initiative” flyer sharing progress report from 2017 to current

Council Announcement

Office of Undergraduate Research (Dr. Bahrim)

  • SURF discussion Feb. 5: Handed out flyer, asking us to promote the event. The application deadline is Feb. 25
  • OUR newsletter: Handed out copies of Fall 2019 to the council
    • Showed page promoting Honors (Tyler Martin/Daniel Quispe)
    • Encouraged council to submit photos and news
  • Wants to promote “Makerspace”
  • Requested nominations for OUR’s Faculty Mentor Award. Application Deadline: March 5; Winner announcement: April 17 at Undergraduate EXPO
  • Promised to send council flyers promoting:
    • April 3: State-wide Physics Conference
    • April 17: Undergraduate Expo 2020