September 23, 2020

Wednesday, 09/23/2020
Library conference room 625 and via Teams
Submitted By:
C Cox

Graduate Council
Minutes #458
September 23, 2020
 Location: Library 6th floor conference room 625 & via MS Teams

Attendees: Voting members – Xianchang Li, Jeff Dyson, Jeffrey Forret, Joseph Kruger, Dorothy Sisk and Awais Saleem; Non-voting members and guests: Jerry Lin, Brett Welch, Carly Cox, Theresa Hefner-Babb, Seokyon Hwang

Approval of Minutes

o #457 – Summer 2020

Dr. Kruger moved to accept, Dr. Saleem seconded, motion approved


Old Business

Updates to stacked course review process?

COVID has caused delays in this process. An overall policy needs to be drafted and is in the works. Previously discussed having UG and Grad syllabi submitted for stacked courses to both UG and Grad councils for approval.


New Business

Introductions from all attendees.

Vision and Administrative Changes of College of Graduate Studies

Dr. Lin discussed modernization of our procedures and policies (forms), as well as plans to gradually innovate graduate education by working with departments and colleges, and to enhance our service to graduate students and faculty members. Question from Dr. Kruger – how is ORSP fitting in with Grad Studies? In the past the two offices did not have a link, but the vision is that for students performing thesis/dissertation to fall into the ORSP domain as well. The hope is that graduate research will be sponsored research in the future.

 College of Business

Dr. Hwang attended as a guest. In the past, existing course materials were cross listed, and there were a small number of students utilizing this so UG and Grad courses could be combined. Now there are around 65 students in the concentration and the courses need to be offered at the graduate level. Cross listing was also preventing B.S. graduates from taking the courses at grad level. Not creating any new program with these courses, certificate program in CMGT already exists. Discussed reasons behind increase in demand for this type of program. UGs in this program usually find a job before graduating. Motioned to accept course additions, seconded by Dr. Saleem, motion passed.

Construction Management: requesting five course additions that will resolve the practice of cross listing courses that were originally developed for the B.S. Construction Management program.

Course Addition CMGT 5330 Construction Management Effective Fall 2021

Course Addition CMGT 5315 Advanced Construction Planning Effective Fall 2021

Course Addition CMGT 5385 Sustainable Practices in Construction Effective Fall 2021

Course Addition CMGT 5355 Conflict & Negotiation Management Effective Fall 2021

Course Addition CMGT 5340 Advanced Construction Project Effective Fall 2021


Dual M.B.A./M.S.N.: Requesting replacement of ECON 5300 with FINC 5300 because ECON 5300 is no longer offered, offering MISY 5330 as an alternative to MISY 5360 in degree plan, and eliminating BULW 5330 from degree plan. Changes represent the dual degree’s alignment with the reduced hours required for the M.B.A.

Dr. Dyson described this item. M.B.A. received approval last year to reduce hours from 36 to 30 prompting realignment for dual degrees. Question from Dr. Kruger – is there another course that was dropped? M.B.A. had 24 hr core and 12 hr concentration. The core was reduced 3 hours and concentration elective hours also reduced by three for a total of six. Question from Dr. Lin – can we have list of courses in this dual degree plan for course inventory? Yes, we have this in Excel. Motion to accept – Dr. Saleem, seconded by Jeff Dyson. Motion passed.


College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering: delete duplicate courses, requesting 4 course additions to create two thesis and two dissertation courses replacing the ENGR designation with MEEN to more accurately reflect the topic of the degree

Course Deletion MEEN 5377 Energy Engineering Effective Spring 2021

Course Deletion MEEN 5356 Turbomachinery Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition MEEN 5390 Thesis I Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition MEEN 5391 Thesis II Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition MEEN 6603 Dissertation I Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition MEEN 6604 Dissertation II Effective Spring 2021


Civil & Environmental Engineering: requesting 4 course additions to create two thesis and two dissertation courses replacing the ENGR designation with CVEN to more accurately reflect the topic of the degree

Course Addition CVEN 5390 Thesis I Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition CVEN 5391 Thesis II Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition CVEN 6603 Engineering Dissertation I Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition CVEN 6604 Engineering Dissertation II Effective Spring 2021


Chemical Engineering: requesting two course additions to create two dissertation courses that replace the ENGR designation with CHEN to more accurately reflect the topic of the degree

Course Addition CHEN 6603 Dissertation I Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition CHEN 6604 Dissertation II Effective Spring 2021


Industrial Engineering: requesting 4 course additions to create two thesis and two dissertation courses replacing the ENGR designation with CVEN to more accurately reflect the topic of the degree

Course Addition INEN 5390 Thesis I Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition INEN 5391 Thesis II Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition INEN 6603 Dissertation I Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition INEN 604 Dissertation II Effective Spring 2021


Electrical Engineering: requesting 7 course additions and one course change, details below

Course Change ELEN 5325 Advanced VLSI Design Requesting change to course description; topics have been updated to cover recent tech advancements Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition ELEN 5390 Thesis I Replacing ENGR designation with ELEN to more accurately reflect the topic of the degree Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition ELEN 5391 Thesis II See above Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition ELEN 6603 Dissertation I See above Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition ELEN 6604 Dissertation II See above Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition ELEN 6325 Advanced VLSI Design Creating a doctoral designation for existing course ELEN 5325 Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition ELEN 5305 Low Power CMOS Design Adds specialization in microelectronics/VLSI area at Master’s level Effective Spring 2021

Course Addition ELEN 6305 Low Power CMOS Design Adds specialization in microelectronics/VLSI area at Doctoral level Effective Spring 2021

**Tabled all CoE items for this meeting. Dr. Lin noted issues with no course descriptions/syllabi attached to these requests. Dr. Lin will discuss with chair’s meeting in CoE**

Dr. Kruger – concerns on three courses. ELEN 6325 and 5325 appear exactly the same, same with 5305 and 6305. No difference except for numbers. Does there need to be a difference in rigor between these levels? Dr. Hefner-Babb: yes, this is needed for SACS.

Motion to table – Dr. Kruger, second – Dr. Saleem, approved to table


College of Education

Nutrition, Hospitality & Human Services: proposal to accept 6 graduate credit hours in lieu of coursework credit hours if a student is currently a Registered Dietitian (RD)/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN).

Will require SACS paperwork since this is basically experience-based learning. Specific procedure is not established at this time. SACS will eventually require documentation on the procedure as well. Dr. Lin recommends waiting to approve this along with procedures set forth by department. Dr. Saleem agrees.

College-Wide: requesting course addition of EDLD 5321 School Law for Educators, effective Spring 2021. Course will be used in numerous M.Ed. programs across the College of Education & Human Development.

Motion to approve – Dr. Sisk, seconded – Dr. Kruger, motion passed


College of Fine Arts & Communication

 Deaf Studies/Deaf Education: requesting change to title of course to reflect terminology used by the Individuals with Disabilities Act.

Course Change Current: DSDE 5328 Deaf Students with Multihandicaps Proposed: DSDE 5328 Deaf Students with Disabilities Effective Spring 2020

Motion to accept – Dr. Saleem, seconded – Dr. Forret, motion passed


New Graduate Council bylaws from Provost Nichols have been received and will be forwarded to council members for input. May be ready to approve by next meeting.

 Motion to conclude – Dr. Kruger, seconded – Dr. Sisk, motion approved. Meeting concluded.

